Back to the Books Giveaway | Win a Rosemary Sutcliff book

This time around I’m giving away a copy of the YA novel, Flame-Coloured Tafetta, by Rosemary Sutcliff. This is the book that sent me on the hunt for more titles by Sutcliff and led to what is currently still my favorite book that I’ve read this year: The Eagle of the Ninth. Don’t you love it when you stumble across wonderful new authors you never knew existed? Here’s the blurb from the book jacket (this is a hardcover book):

When twelve-year-old Damaris discovers a young man who has been shot in the woods near her house, she doesn’t stop to worry that he may be a smuggler or spy wanted by King George’s Custom House men. Instead she turns to those she can trust–her best friend, Peter, and Genty Small the Wise Woman–for help in saving his life. And after Tom Wildgoose recovers enough to be able to talk about himself, but chooses to be evasive when answering Damaris’s questions, she doesn’t really mind. What is important to Damaris is that he will be leaving soon, taking away all the adventure and mystery he had suddenly brought into her life.

But then Tom is captured by Mr. Farrington, who threatens to turn him over to the authorities. In a true act of loyalty, Damaris jeopardizes her own safety to rescue the mysterious young man and set him free once again.

If this sounds like a book you’d like to win, then leave me a comment telling me the name of a favorite new author you’ve read in the last 12 months. INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS SO I CAN CONTACT YOU IF YOU WIN.

via JDP News: Back to the Books Giveaway Hop.